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about karl marx in english

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in the town of Trier in the Rhine province of Prussia.

Marx's father was a lawyer and his early education was completed at a local school gymnasium.

about karl marx in english
about karl marx in english

From bone University he received a law education. He then studied philosophy and history from the University of Berlin.

From the University of Jena he received his doctorate.

marx key ideas

Karl Marx was influenced by Heigel's ideas.

Marx had pledged to end capitalism in his Communist Manifesto.

He said that the practice of succession must be ended.

Karl Marx published the book 'Holy Family' in which he shed the most light on the theoretical ideology of the proletariat and material philosophy.

According to Marx, the cause of unrest and discontent in the world is the class struggle between the poor and the rich.

Marx's main objective was to establish a classless society.

In 1867, Marx's first university treatise ‘Das Kapital’ was published, by which he gained worldwide fame.

‘The poverty of philosophy’ is also his famous book.

Marx was of the opinion that revolution should be done peacefully for economic and social equality and if it does not change, then armed revolution should be done.

Marx died in 1883.

Teachings from the life of Karl Marx

Marx encouraged the world to fight. He said, ' Let all the workers of the world be one, you have nothing to lose, except your chains.’

Marx considered women's Rights important. He said: ‘anyone with the slightest knowledge of history knows that great social change is impossible without the upliftment of women. The social progress of a society can be measured by looking at the social status of women.

They gave importance to democracy to achieve socialist goals. Marx said: 'democracy is the way to socialism.’

Marx put humanity above religion. Marx criticized religion, calling it opium.

He conceptualized an equitable society in which men and women, rich and poor, could establish non-discriminatory equality.

In conflicts in the name of religion, humanity must be given importance in the place of religion and also paramount.

In conclusion, the world will always remember Marx, The Creator, founder, messiah of workers, peasants and victims of scientific socialism. Marx gave his important theories on class struggle, capitalism, historical materialism, social change etc. which are relevant even in the present time.

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