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Joe Biden could not speak these 'words' properly while addressing the US Parliament.Twitter trolled

US Senator Tom Catton from Arkansas posted a clip of Biden's speech on his Twitter handle.

He has written alarming in the caption of the uploaded video.

In the clip, Biden can be seen fumbling over the word kleptocracy.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden is once again in discussion about his fumbles.

Biden was addressing the US Congress on Thursday.

During this, he started stumbling upon speaking the word 'kleptocracy'.

Biden was seeking an additional 33 billion dollars (billion) in aid to Ukraine.

During this, he started faltering in one word of his speech.

Since then, people started trolling him on Twitter.

US Senator Tom Catton from Arkansas posted a clip of Biden's speech on his Twitter handle.

He has written 'Alarming' in the caption of the uploaded video.

In the clip, Biden can be seen fumbling over the word 'kleptocracy'.

After two or three attempts he was able to speak correctly.

The video has garnered nearly 37,000 likes and over three million views on Twitter.

"We're going to take over Russia's boats, their fancy homes,

and Putin's other wrongful gains—yes—the kleptocracy

and the klep-men who are kleptocracy," Biden said in an address to the US Congress. ' They are very evil.'

Shortly before in the same speech, Biden erroneously said that the US would absorb the Russian oligarchy and make sure we take it all in.

We take wrong advantage of them. The word 'adjustment' was later added to an official transcript of Biden's comments posted on the White House website.

Sports journalist and commentator Clay Travis reacted on Twitter to Biden's fumbles, saying that the US President is not feeling well.

It is a matter of shame for our country and the world.

He can hardly read. Everyone can see it in his eyes, he has lost somewhere.

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