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Requests for jobs started coming to Elon Musk as soon as he bought Twitter, actors are also showing

Tesla chief Elon Musk has started receiving job requests as soon as he made a deal to buy micro-blogging site Twitter.

Among those who made the request are many Musk fans and celebrities.

Musk has signed a deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion.

elon musk buys twitter
elon musk buys twitter

Nikita Bier, co-founder of a polling app that focuses on positivity, tweeted, 'Make me the VP of Twitter. I have been building social apps for 11 years.

Twitter has the potential to be the leading messenger, group app and content creation tool.

Nikita's polling app was bought by Facebook.

Actor Willian Shatner, who is associated with the Star Trek franchise, has also expressed his desire to join Twitter.

He wrote, 'Many things are changing.

In the midst of all this, I would like to say that I am here.

I want Elon Musk to appoint me in a bigger role.

MIT research scientist Lex Friedman has gone two steps ahead of him.

He wrote, 'This is my official job application for the post of Chief Love Officer (CLO) on Twitter.

I want a salary of $69.

It would be better if the salary is given in cryptocurrencies.

I will do my best to spread love in the world.

Significantly, after the buy of Twitter by Elon Musk, many questions have arisen.

The biggest question is whether Parag Agarwal,

who is currently the CEO of Twitter, can step down from his post.

Let us tell you that in the month of November last year,

Parag Agrawal became the CEO of Twitter, replacing Jack Dorsey.

It is worth noting that the news agency Reuters, citing sources in its report, has said that Elon Musk has line-up a new chief executive, who will replace Twitter's current CEO Parag Agarwal after the deal is finalized. .

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